When I haven't been reading arcane articles on negotiation strategy and political theory, I have been finding creative ways to make art out of building tools and left-over Cat Lady trinkets.
To the left, my latest creation. That is a Cat Lady yard stick with a small level and an outlet box taped at the 12 in mark.

Not only does it look sweet, it also marks the place for a new receptacle box when you trace around the outside of it. Awfully convenient in a house that doesn't have any electricity.

Ta-da! An instant and very level receptacle box outline. All I need to do is cut out the delicate, 2 inch deep plaster without completely destroying the wood lath behind.

Angle grinder, do your business.

Apply conservative helpings of crowbar.

Finally, cut throught the remaining wood lath with the wicked Dremel Multimax (TM) Mom and Dad got me for Christmas. Thanks again for that one, Baba and Dyeda!

Behold: The finished project.
Now I only have to do this 43 more times.
And cut through dozens of wall studs to connect the outlets together. That shouldn't take too long.